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Store ListAnyone can enjoy learning to make dolls. We are always looking for students.
This is a kit of materials that you can make by yourself.
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Store ListAnyone can enjoy learning to make dolls. We are always looking for students.
This is a kit of materials that you can make by yourself.
¥176,000(with tax)
黒の鎧を身にまとい、勇壮な構えで今にも出陣するような躍動感あふれる鎧着大将飾りです。 伊達政宗は東北の覇者であり、家光の世には「副将軍」と呼ばれるほど出世した、根強い人気の武将です。 木目を活かした美しい台屏風が大将を美しく引き立ててくれるようなお飾りです。