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Store ListAnyone can enjoy learning to make dolls. We are always looking for students.
This is a kit of materials that you can make by yourself.
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Store ListAnyone can enjoy learning to make dolls. We are always looking for students.
This is a kit of materials that you can make by yourself.
¥96,800(with tax)
(日本語) 古来より縁起物とされる末広がりの羽子板に、歌舞伎舞踊として名高い「汐汲」の押絵を合わせた正統派の一品です。品格あふれる檜のケースに、女児のお守りとされる犬筥を合わせた久月の看板商品です。
贈り物:お土産・国産(Made in Japan)