

Q Premium Service

Hopes for healthy child growth
Premium service exclusive to Kyugetsu

Kyugetsu’s Q Premium service offers unprecedented levels of quality and dedication.

*Service unavailable for some products. Inquire for details.

  • お名前・生年月日が入ります
  • 人形取り付け型
  • 親王台取り付け型
  • 櫃取り付け型
  • 鉢裏取り付け型

NameplateFor eternal bonding

Eternal togetherness
The child’s name and date of birth engraved on a unique plate for posterity.

  • Hina doll
  • Dolls for the Boys’ Festival
  • New Year decoration
  • 手のひらの愛のしるし
  • 手のひらの愛のしるし

Handprint cardsymbol of love

A card for eternal display with dolls
As a memento of your child’s birth, Kyugetsu provides special handprint cards symbolizing parental love. Display stand included.

  • Hina doll
  • Dolls for the Boys’ Festival
  • 家紋が入ります

Family crest engravingArmor and helmet stand with a family crest

Kyugetsu provides family engravings in a special case to express parental affection. Up to 323 generational family crests can be engraved on platforms for armor and helmets.

  • Dolls for the Boys’ Festival
  • New Year decoration (Hamayumi)
  • ワンタッチ式

Face sheet for hina dollsGenuine Kyugetsu face sheet

To preserve the integrity of dolls over the years, Kyugetsu provides protective face sheets with an easy hook-and-loop fastener.

  • Hina doll
  • 富久布(ふくさ)
  • 富久布(ふくさ)
  • 風呂敷タイプ

Fukusa for storage

For protection of precious dolls
Kyugetsu provides fukusa wrapping cloths to preserve the integrity of dolls over the years. Furoshiki cloth wrappers are provided for Boys’ Festival dolls.

  • Hina doll
  • Boys’ Festival dolls
  • 無臭タイプ

Safe and reliable insect repellent

Year-round insect repellence
This repellent protecting precious dolls from insects all year round is sold at Kyugetsu stores, supermarkets and other outlets (one or two bags should be placed in the doll box).

  • Hina doll
  • おもいやりセット

Attentive treatment set

Careful doll handling for durability
Dolls for seasonal festivals are kept in storage for most of the year, and therefore require careful maintenance. Kyugetsu provides cleaning kits for simple and thorough care.。

  • Dolls for the Boys’ Festival
  • ひな祭り・端午のしおり

Brochure for Girls’ Festival dolls・Brochure for Boys’ Festival dolls

These brochures outline how to display, store and maintain dolls over time.

  • Hina dolls
  • Boys’ Festival dolls